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"Joanna Perkins" and "JRP Consulting" are trading names of Joanna R Perkins, a consultant who provides financial services regulatory research services on a self-employed basis and are not intended to suggest any affiliation with any other business of similar name.


JRP Consulting will treat the information of clients, prospective clients, stakeholders and other interested parties with the utmost care and confidentiality.


It is a priority for JRP Consulting to ensure that clients' data is gathered, stored and handled fairly, transparently, safely and with respect.  All other parties' data will also be treated with respect towards individual rights.


In the course of its ordinary business, JRP Consulting needs to obtain and process information. This information includes any offline or online data that makes a person identifiable such as names, addresses, usernames and passwords, digital footprints, photographs, social security numbers, financial data etc.

This consultancy collects information in a transparent way and only with the full cooperation and knowledge of interested parties. No covert data collection or data processing techniques are used.


The following rules will be applied:


Your data will be:

  • Accurate and kept up-to-date

  • Collected fairly and for lawful purposes only

  • Processed within all legal and widely accepted moral boundaries

  • Not shared with external parties, formally or informally, without your consent.​


To exercise data protection JRP Consulting will:

  • Restrict and monitor access to sensitive data

  • Establish clear procedures for disclosing privacy breaches or data misuse

  • Include contract clauses, notices and/or other communications on how data is handled

  • Establish data protection practices (document shredding, secure locks, access authorization etc.)


These data protection provisions will appear on the JRP Consulting website.


Conflicts of Interest

This Policy specifies the procedures JRP Consulting has in place to identify, prevent, manage and disclose any potential conflict of interest, according to the following objectives:

  • Identify circumstances or potential circumstances that may give rise to a conflict of interest;

  • Maintain procedures and measures to be adopted and followed to manage or resolve such actual or potential conflicts of interest; and

  • Record and/or disclose conflicts of interest.


To fulfil these objectives, JRP Consulting will adhere to the following best practice guidelines:

  • Review every enquiry or expression of interest by a new client for potential conflicts of interest vis-à-vis existing client relationships and personal circumstances;

  • Review each client relationship, each individual instruction and/or each project on an ongoing basis for any such potential conflicts of interest;

  • Highlight the existence of any potential conflict of interest to clients and/or other parties affected, outlining the nature of the conflict in abstract terms;

  • Discuss the circumstances and nature of the conflict with the client and/or third party to determine whether the conflict can be resolved or avoided satisfactorily on the basis of the abstract information supplied;

  • Take other steps as necessary to avoid or resolve the conflict to the client's satisfaction, including by the non-exclusive means of: seeking permission from affected parties to disclose further details; requesting a limited waiver, deferring a client instruction and/or withdrawing from a client relationship.

  • Maintain a record of any disclosures and a conflicts of interest register.


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